
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday Talks | How Book Hype Affects My Reading

Tuesday Talks is a weekly discussion group created by Janie and Janelle. We discuss bookish topics suggested by group members on goodreads. So if you're looking for a discussion group, join us!

How Book Hype Affects My Read
This is a great thing to discuss because I think it has an impact on everyone, good and bad. Personally I try not to read books while they are the extreme IT thing. If I'm interested in the book I'll come back to it later or avoid any reviews/discussions about the book while I'm reading. Otherwise I'm probably setting myself up for disappointment. 

I don't always dislike books that are over hyped; in fact I've been introduced to some great series' just because of the hype surrounding them. I just don't like for this to be the main driving force behind me reading a book. I always hear things like "everyone was reading this book so it was time for me to give it a try" or "this book has gotten so much attention that I couldn't not love it". To me I have to have a genuine interest in the book. I love books being recommended to me, but I'm not going to read every book that is. Some just aren't things that I'm interested in. So no matter how many people have read and loved it, I'm not going to pick it up if I don't think I'll like it. I've been far too guilty of this in the past, I don't want to make the same mistake. 

Book hype is a good thing. I want to share my love with others when I read a great series. I just don't like it being over sold because of the chances of disappointment. I've read many really popular and super hyped books and loved them, I just don't want it to rule what I'm reading. 

What do you think about hyped books? Does it affect your reading? If so, how?  


  1. I've decided to ignore hypes now. Every time I follow a hype, I end up being disappointed (an example is Everything, Everything [Nicola Yoon]).

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Bookish Blog! | Things Hermione Has Taught Me

    1. I have a love hate relationship with book hype. On one hand, I love sharing great books. On the other, there is so much room for disappointment.

      I just got Everything, Everything at a book festival (for free, and met the author and had it signed) so I hope I enjoy it. I honestly haven't heard much about it, so maybe I'll be more impressed than you.
