
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Golden Braid~Melanie Dickerson | Review

Title: The Golden Braid (Fairy Tales #6)
Author: Melanie Dickerson
Genre: YA Fairy Tale Retelling
Length: 368 Pages
Release: November 2015
My Rating: 3/5 Stars

I received a copy of this novel through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This novel was enjoyable, but not great. I've never been a huge fan of fairy tale retellings, but recently I've read a few and really enjoyed them. An interesting spin can be put on things. That's what this one sounded like, so I decided to give it a read. 

The idea of Rapunzel wanting to become educated and being forbidden (basically) by her mother (Gothel) was interesting and different. It's a tale set in an old time, so it's not been modernized and it has an interesting story line. Rapunzel wants to learn to read, but has never had the opportunity because her mother is controlling and prevents her from doing so. She has several other useful skills, however, such as knife throwing. 

After being rescued by Sir Gerek and then rescuing him in turn, Rapunzel seeks out a way to learn to read. Gerek becomes her teacher (although no willingly) and the two start to develop a friendship. But boy does her mother have problems with that. 

At first I was not at all into Rapunzel and Gerek's relationship. They were both annoying and I didn't like how they fit together. Later on in the story they grew on me, however. I would have liked more building in their relationship, but we did get some toward the end. 

I've never read any of Dickerson's other works, so I don't know how this compares. I did find the writing style somewhat stilted and difficult to follow at times. Too much was left open about the characters in the beginning. 

This wasn't the best fairy tale story I've read, but I do think it would appeal to fans of the genre. There's also a strong Christian presence throughout the novel which would appeal to many.

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