
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Resurrection~P D Kalnay | Review

Title: Resurrection (The Alien Documentaries #1)
Author: P D Kalnay
Genre: Science Fiction
Length: 336 Pages
Release: November 2015
My Rating: 4/5 Stars

I received a copy of this novel from the author in exchange for an honest review. 

I've been trying to get more into Science Fiction, so when the author asked me to beta read this novel I was really excited to do so. Sometimes science fiction can take the whole alien thing to an extreme and turn a good thing into a bad thing. This is not one of those times. 

One thing that I particularly liked about this novel were the characters. Each character was easy to relate to and none of them were perfect. They all made mistakes and learned from those mistakes. And it wasn't overly serious. Most of the science fiction I've picked up recently has characters who seem almost perfect and extremely serious situations with very little humor. I really need humor in my books. 

The novel is told in third person, but alternates between a few different characters. The main characters we get perspectives from are Darren, a regular middle class man who has always dreamed of working in space and of aliens. And Darren's daughter Angela, a teen who loves to game and watch things that a thirteen year old probably shouldn't. While there are other characters thrown in, these are the main two you get to spend time with. Personally I think having these multiple perspectives (and the fact that one of them is a teenager) made the novel more realistic. There were regular family interactions and issues, not just some guy on a spaceship somewhere fighting for his planet (yes, these can be good too). 

The novel isn't perfect, but it's really good. The society that's been developed in this futuristic novel is interesting and not so different from what we know to be overly complicated or difficult to understand. There is video gaming, which can always be a nice touch to this type of novel, and of course aliens. 

The ending is very satisfying, but I'm still looking forward to reading the remaining novels in the series. Fun, fast paced, and just generally interesting.

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