
Monday, June 19, 2017

The Silent Corner~Dean Koontz | Review

Title: The Silent Corner (Jane Hawk #1)
Author: Dean Koontz
Genre: Suspense/Mystery
Length: 464 Pages
Release: June 2017

I was provided a review copy of this novel by the publisher through Netgalley

Dean Koontz is one of my favorite authors, so I was very excited to hear about this upcoming series. After nearly six years of reading his books, I'm still hooked. And The Silent Corner is no exception. 

The story follows Jane Hawk an FBI agent gone rogue when sinister forces threaten her life--and the world in general. Living off the grid, alone, Jane is searching for the reason behind the rise in suicides the world over. Because things don't add up and it has finally touched too close to home. 

Koontz has an absolutely beautiful style of writing and I fall in love with his sentences. Really, there are some that are too beautiful to be ignored. And while his subject matter can be somewhat dark at times, there is always hope. Hope can not be killed. That is evident throughout this novel as Jane fights evil, having to push her own moral boundaries in the process. It's similar to any superhero/vigilante story out there in that respect. The law is not always on her side, but does that mean that what she does is wrong? I guess that's something you have to decide for yourself. 

The concepts in this novel are plausible enough to have you questioning what if scenarios. I won't delve too deeply into that, because it's the meat of Jane's story, but it's so spine tingle disturbing that I almost expected to read about it in the news myself. That's where the power of this novel comes in for me. That big what if question that this inspires in my mind. 

Some readers fault Koontz for his slow pacing, but for me that's a plus. His beautiful writing keep the story engaging no matter how it's paced. And the slowness is generally due to the internal struggles and understanding that is happening within our characters, and a character driven story is always a plus. 

I would highly recommend this novel to anyone with interest in suspense, mystery, or even science fiction. There is action, evil, and above all hope for a new and brighter future. Because Jane Hawk is on our side, and what more could we ask for?

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