
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Moving Target~Lynette Eason | Review

Title: Moving Target (Elite Guardians #3)
Author: Lynette Eason
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Length: 331 Pages
Release: January 2017

A copy of this novel was provided through Netgalley in exchange for review.

If you are searching for a spine-tingling, suspenseful thriller that will keep you peering over your shoulder, then look no further! Moving Target is a chilling who-dun-it that will keep you guessing until the deliciously creepy conclusion. Maddy McKay is one tough cookie who has an Achilles' heel where a certain tenacious detective, Quinn Holcombe, is concerned. However, a romantic relationship can't even be considered until they find the psychotic madman who is bent on exacting revenge by hunting them down like prey.

I love Quinn and Maddy. They both were dealing with family drama, and on top of that a mad man wanted them dead. This book has kidnapping, attempted murder, murder, bomb threat, embezzlement, suicide, and a whole lot more. Quinn blamed himself for what happened to his sister. He felt his family had turned their backs on him. Maddy's FBI unit had been set up and everyone blamed her for what happened, including her father. 

The story follows Maddy and Quinn as they face an enemy with an unknown agenda bent on causing destruction. The two friends draw closer together as they learn to rely on each other for protection. 

The book was completely high impact and not one slow moment from page one to the last page. You will be on the edge of your seat. You find yourself sucked in and you just can't put the book down.

I highly recommend this series to anyone looking for great suspense with a little romance thrown in for good measure!

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