
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Night Window~Dean Koontz | Review

Title: The Night Window (Jane Hawk #5)
Author: Dean Koontz
Genre: Suspense/Thriller
Length: 432 Pages
Release: May 2019

A copy of this novel was received through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Dean Koontz has been one of my favorite authors since I first read one of his books in 2011. I always trust him to wrap up a story well, but I will admit, I was a bit worried about this conclusion. 

Through the first four books, Jane had faced one perilous adventure after another. When they said that the Arcadian thread of the series was going to be wrapped up in book five, I wondered how he would make this work. I shouldn't have worried. This was fantastic. 

This is my favorite book of the series, wrapping things together so well that the end left me satisfied and happy. It wasn't a happy ending for everyone, but it made sense and there was hope for many. A beautiful conclusion to a beautiful series. It was disturbing at times, but mainly in how real it seemed. A decade or two ago this may have seemed farfetched, but now it almost seems inevitable. I hope that when, not if, people try to take over my mind, I fight like Jane did. 

If you have read the previous books in this series, then I think you are in for a treat with this one. If you have not--well then, now is as good a time as any to get started. 

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