
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Forbidden Door~Dean Koontz | Review

Title: The Forbidden Door (Jane Hawk #4)
Author: Dean Koontz
Genre: Suspense/Thriller
Length: 434 Pages
Release: September 2018

I received a copy of this novel through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

In an effort to avoid spoilers for this and the previous three installments in the series, this review is going to be short and sweet. 

This latest installment in the Jane Hawk series picks up where the previous book The Crooked Staircase left off. Jane is, once again, under a time crunch to get somewhere fast. Some old favorites show up and others become favorites. Koontz knows how to write compelling characters and they shine in this series. 

A majority of this novel is told from the perspective of the bad guys, giving us insight into their mental state and the lengths they are willing to go to bring Jane down. At first this seemed odd and could be off putting to some readers, but it worked and was needed for this portion of the story. 

This series can be frightening because it often seems like it could be real. And while there are many many good people in the world, there are also many horrible people. It's not too far fetched to believe that something like this could happen. 

If you haven't started this series and are at all inclined to do so, I highly recommend it. 

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