
Thursday, July 19, 2018

My Thoughts for Your Thursday

I've decided that Thursday will be the day that I post some form of a discussion each week. Tuesdays are typically the day that new books release, so I will save that for reviews. I will no longer be sharing all of my reviews here since I do a majority of my reviewing on goodreads now. I will continue posting reviews for books that I receive for review here on my blog (as well as a review on goodreads) and others that I feel like sharing. But I want this blog to be more about discussions than reviews. 

Buddy Reading
Today I want to discuss buddy reading. If you don't know what buddy reading is, it's basically when you and another person decide to read a book together and discuss it as you go. There are many ways of doing buddy reads and a lot of groups on goodreads have a bunch of these going on at a time. 

Sometimes the buddy reads within a group can get little big, which can kind of defeat the purpose of a buddy read for me. Everyone will kind of read at their own pace in these reads and then comment as they go. The discussions can be a lot of fun, but I find myself being drawn to these reads less and less these days. 

My favorite kind of buddy read is with one or two individuals where we decide a set number of pages or chapters to read within a given amount of time and then come back to discuss that section before moving on. These reads tend to be a little deeper in discussion since everyone is at the same point and you don't have to worry as much about accidentally spoiling someone. 

Do you buddy read? If so, what type of buddy reading do you prefer?


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