
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter~Michael J Sullivan | Review

Title: The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter (Riyria Chronicles #4)
Author: Michael J Sullivan
Genre: Fantasy
Length: 480 Pages
Release: December 2017

"I have a friend and I think about killing him all the time."

"Oh, so you admit it now. We're friends?"

"I never said anything about you. Don't be so presumptuous."

Really, what is there to say that I haven't already highlighted in my reviews of the previous nine Riyria books I've reviewed on goodreads? Not a lot, aside from the fact that these stories never get old. You would think they might lose momentum, but they don't. 

This is the fourth installment in the Riyria Chronicles, which is a prequel series to the Riyria Revelations and tells various adventures of Royce and Hadrian before we meet up with them in that series. It also has some great connections with the main series, so there is always something to pick up on aside from the greatness of these two. 

Sullivan is excellent at creating great characters. Royce is, and will likely always be, my favorite of his characters, but there isn't a single one that I don't enjoy in some way. This novel introduces several that will likely never show up in any of the other stories, but they were all well rounded and really worked. 

If you have read the original Revelations series then you know that this story involves Genny, the Duchess of Rochelle, who was introduced in those stories. And I absolutely loved getting to know her better. She was interesting to me before, but this added a lot of depth to her character that I never would have guessed was there. 

And that brings me to another point: Sullivan has the bestfemale characters in fantasy. Seriously, I don't know how he creates them, because I have a hard enough time writing believable women and I'm a woman, but he does an excellent job. And Genny is just another great female added on top of a long list. 

If you've enjoyed the other stories with Royce and Hadrian you will likely enjoy this one as well. If you haven't read any of them yet--what are you doing? Go read them now. Right now. Christmas is in a week, ask for the entire set. Just do it now. And fall in love with Royce as much as I have. Hadrian is cool too.

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