
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Whispering Room~Dean Koontz | Review

Title: The Whispering Room (Jane Hawk #2)
Author: Dean Koontz
Genre: Suspense/Thriller
Length: 512 Pages
Release: November 2017

I received a copy of this novel through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This second book in the Jane Hawk series picks up right where book one left off and Jane is on the trail of those involved in a conspiracy to rid the world of the people the deem undesirable. It's really a ploy for domination, but it's very sophisticated and it seems to be working. 

One of the scariest things about this series is that you can see some of it being possible. Mind control through injectable nanomachines that essentially turn you into a robot. It's a terrifying prospect, but one that doesn't seem that farfetched. And it definitely made me shiver as I read about the things that these controlled people were made to do. 

There are several side characters introduced here that I really liked. Luther and his family were a great addition and I really liked getting to know their characters. There was definitely some heartbreak with them and I hope to see more of them in the future to find out what happens. 

The ending kind of surprised me. Not so much that what happened was that surprising, just that I don't have a clear idea of where the next book will take us. I guess we shall see next year! I'm hoping the release of this one is moved up as well. 

As always, Koontz is able to weave an interesting story with his beautiful writing. This wasn't my favorite of his novels, but I definitely enjoyed it. If you're a Koontz fan you should give it a read. And if you're not, then become one.

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