
Monday, April 17, 2017

Desmond Winters in the Realms of the Caged Sun~Lea Ryan | Review

Title: Desmond Winters in the Realms of the Caged Sun
Author: Lea Ryan
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Length: 313 Pages
Release: February 2017

I received a copy of this novel from the author upon request.
This middle grade fantasy follows Desmond Winters, a young boy with often absent parents who longs for adventure but doesn't know how to have one. When he and his friends stumble across a bookshop that is not what it seems, it's up to them to save their realm from those who would leave them behind. 

This is a portal fantasy reminiscent of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. Four children enter a world where everything is different and the various kingdoms are ruled by a variety of people. Desmond also learns about his family and their history among these people, as they travel through the various realms. 

This was quite enjoyable. It could use some polish as some of it--the dialogue in particular--felt rather stilted at times. Children would not speak as Desmond and his friends often spoke. 

The world that Ryan created was imaginative and well thought out. I hope that she has luck with future installments because I think that Desmond and his friends would be great additions to the shelves of many middle grade readers. 

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