
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Knife of Dreams~Robert Jordan | Review

Title: Knife of Dreams (Wheel of Time #11)
Author: Robert Jordan
Genre: High Fantasy
Length: 860 Pages (Paperback)
Release: October 2005
My Rating: 4/5 Stars

This was the last Wheel of Time book written by the original author and I am happy to say that he went out on a high note. I don't know that this was my favorite to this point, but it is definitely among the top three or four. The action that was somewhat lacking in the previous few installments has returned and things are progressing toward the Last Battle. 

Throughout the series I have never been able to become completely invested in any single character, which is hard for me because I love character driven stories. Perrin was my favorite character in the beginning of the series, unfortunately he has only gone down hill in the later books. His progression is definitely not one that has kept me interested. The relationship he has with Faile kind of makes me ill. It's bordering on abusive and is definitely obsessive. 

Mat is the character that has surprised me the most. He was my least favorite at the start and while there are still things that I don't particularly like about his character, I have grown to enjoy his portions of the story. They are generally more exciting than the others and right now progress the story more than anything else seems to. 

While I am not enthralled by the world that Jordan created it does fascinate me. The level of commitment and dedication that had to go into writing these novels is astounding. I am sure that I would not be able to keep track of everything. 

This was a solid installment in the series and I look forward to finishing out the final three books which were written by my favorite author Brandon Sanderson.

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