
Friday, September 2, 2016

The Path of Daggers~Robert Jordan | Review

Title: The Path of Daggers (Wheel of Time #8)
Author: Robert Jordan
Genre: Fantasy
Length: 685 Pages (Paperback)
Release: October 1998
My Rating: 2.5/5 Stars

Well, what can I say about this book? If you get to this point in the series then you're likely to continue. (Only six more to go!) But this installment doesn't offer much on its own. 

This felt more like 600+ pages of filler than anything else. The last hundred pages or so are really what saved it from being a complete failure in comparison to the others. Those closing scenes offered excitement and intrigue with hints at some very interesting developments in the future. Now the thing to see is if any of them actually happen. 

The one story line from book seven that I was most interested in finding out about never happened. Mat wasn't even in this book! He was barely mentioned. So now I'm waiting to see if book nine will finally shed some light on what's happening with him. There were not that many advancements as far as the major plot goes. Again, there were hints for things to come. Now we just wait and see. 

If you're not a huge fan of high fantasy and feel that it's a need to read this series, then it might not be for you. Give the first couple of books a try if you are at all inclined and see if you want to continue from there. I am enjoying them, although I don't love them. At this point I'm leaning toward the opinion that this would have been a great seven or eight book series. Fourteen seems to be pushing it. 

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