
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Complete Self-Publishing Guide~Hank Quense | Review

Title: The Complete Self-Publishing Guide
Author: Hank Quense
Genre: Self Help, Publishing
Release: October 2016
My Rating: 4/5 Stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This collection of self-publishing guides is a very valuable resource for those looking to take this route with their own writing. Quense pulls from his own experience as a self-published author to give the best advice that he can. 

This book deals with a variety of topics including how to budget for your project, resources for finding cover designers, editors, etc., marketing, and many other avenues of the process. The author also includes some of his own writing strategies with outlines and other helpful tidbits on his process. 

Quense is very honest about what to expect from your first (maybe even several) self-published project. Going into the process thinking you are going to make a load of money, quit your job, and write for the rest of your life is not a realistic expectation. It might happen for a few people, but the vast majority will have to publish a lot before they begin actually making money from their projects. This reminder comes up a lot throughout the book, but he also encourages you not to become discouraged. Everything takes hard work. Eventually that work can pay off. 

If you are searching for a guide that will help you through the process of self-publishing your first book, this is a great resource. The advice comes from the atuthor's personal experience doing exactly what you're looking to do. The tone of this is a bit of a challenge at times, reading more like a textbook than a guide, but the information presented is very well done and helpful. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Courtney
    Thanks for the great post. If any readers have a question, i'll try to answer it.
