
Friday, September 9, 2016

Paper and Fire~Rachel Caine | Review

Title: Paper and Fire (The Great Library #2)
Author: Rachel Caine
Genre: YA Fantasy
Length: 357 Pages (Hardcover)
Release: July 2016
My Rating: 3/5 Stars

This novel, while enjoyable, was lacking something that made it special to me. It was probably more its own story than the first installment, with fewer similarities to other familiar stories, but it lacked the spark that that first installment had.

The frenemy relationship between Jess and Dario is probably my favorite thing about this series. In this one it leaned more toward friendship, but there were definitely still some hostilities between the two. And watching them play off each other was excellent.

The romance in these can be a bit over the top for my liking. Jess and Morgan had a nice foundation going in the beginning of the first book, but things quickly escalated. And not in a good way. Here there was still all of that forbidden love nonsense. And while I liked some of their moments, I just wish it wasn't done so crazily.

While there were some huge revelations and developments in this book, a lot of it felt rather slow and filler like. I'm sure some of those slower moments will come back to mean something in the future, but at the time they just seemed more like a way to spread the story out than to actually progress the plot. At this point I think spreading out the events of the first novel and cutting out some of this one would have been a better story. I really liked when Jess and all the others were training with Wolfe, so having more of that would have been nice.

As it is, this wasn't a bad installment, I just had hoped for more. I do plan to finish the series when it concludes next year. The ending left a lot of questions unanswered.

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