
Friday, August 5, 2016

Ivy's Bind~P D Kalnay | Review

Title: Ivy's Bind (Legend of the White Sword #2)
Author: P D Kalnay
Genre: YA Fantasy
Length: 157 Pages
Release: February 2016
My Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

I received a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

This novel picks up just after Ivy's Tangle (the first installment) left off. Jack has started high school and is waiting for the summer to start so he can see Ivy and Mr Ryan again. In the meantime he starts making things in his grandmother's basement, learning to build furniture and make jewelry.

The novel starts off a bit slowly, but even in those slow portions some interesting questions are raised and important pieces are laid for later events. And it was always enjoyable, just not quite what I was expecting for the start. Although it is a second book, which I am usually wary of. 

This book is just as strong as the previous installment if only for the fact that it builds the world started in that earlier volume. A lot of questions are answered and revelations made that really open up the first book to new interpretation. I found myself enjoying both Jack and Ivy a lot more than I had before and found their relationship absolutely adorable. 

One thing that I loved about this book was the way it introduced fae. This is not something that I usually enjoy reading about, so had I known this book was going to introduce this story line I might have been a little more hesitant with it. But I enjoyed it here! The way that Kalnay introduces fae and their world was different than other stories I've read and I found myself drawn into their history and what this implies for our characters in their future. Definitely not something to fault the book for. 

If you are at all interested in young adult fantasy stories then give P D Kalnay a try. His novels are always a lot of fun to read and I find myself becoming completely lost in them. Highly recommended series and author. 

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