
Sunday, July 24, 2016

White Sand~Brandon Sanderson | Review

Title: White Sand (White Sand #1)
Author: Brandon Sanderson, Script Adapted by Rik Hoskin
Artist: Julius Gopez
Genre: Graphic Novel, Fantasy
Length: 160 Pages
Release: June 2016
My Rating: 4/5 Stars

I received a copy of this novel through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 

I have not read very many graphic novels in my years of reading, but when I saw that something by Brandon Sanderson was being adapted to this format I knew I had to read it. 

When I first started this, I wasn't sure that I would be able to connect with it like I generally do with Sanderson's novels. I was having a hard time keeping the story straight while following along with the artwork. I quickly realized that it was because I was reading it too quickly, not taking time to digest the words in connection with the art they appeared with. Once I slowed down, it was captivating. 

This story is a high fantasy set in a world with Daysiders and Darksiders. The two rarely travel among each other, it seems. Until a Darksider Impress encounters Kenton, a young man who is part of the Sand Masters. These Sand Masters have special abilities that allow them to manipulate the sand in the desert where they live. But like any Sanderson magic system, this one definitely has it's limits. 

Once I was able to get into the story I became very invested in the characters. I cared about what was happening to them, wanted to know their histories, wondered where these new discoveries would lead them. And the art was able to depict all of these characters so beautifully. I found myself just flipping pages, not even reading, just looking at the art. The art tells a story that does not need words. And the two together made this a magical read. 

Now I need the second volume! I don't know when it is going to be released, but I know it won't be soon enough for my liking. The ending left so many questions for me to consider about what will happen with all of these characters I've grown attached to. I want to know what's going to happen with Kenton and the Sand Masters, if they will be able to overcome this new obstacle or if they will tear each other apart. I want to know what secrets Khriss is still hiding, what she's really after. And what happened to her fiance, because I don't think we've gotten all the answers just yet. 

I highly recommend this graphic novel. I think fans of Sanderson's other fantasy will enjoy it as well as many graphic novel lovers. It's a great story with some stunning artwork. Very excited to continue reading the series.  

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