
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Faces~Dora Ilieva | Review

Title: Faces
Author: Dora Ilieva
Genre: Short Story Collection
Length: 144 Pages
Release: June 2015
My Rating: 3/5 Stars

*I received a copy of this collection in exchange for an honest review.*

This collection of short stories is about the various "faces" that make up Toronto Canada. When I decided to read this I had assumed (for no reason at all) that most of the stories would be at least somewhat happy. I personally found very few of them to be happy at all. 

There were around twenty short stories in total, most of them only a few pages long. They each focused around different central characters and having never been to Toronto I can't say whether they were very indicative of what the city is like or not. Many of them were very bleak and involved death, acts of terror or violence, and bitter views of humanity. Obviously all of that stuff is present in the world, but I would have liked a little more light in some of the stories. Something to show that there is good in humanity. 

The writing was good overall, but could definitely use some work in editing. The punctuation was a bit awkward at times and the stories did not flow as smoothly as I think they could have. This collection has a lot of potential and I think with a bit more polish that it would appeal to a wide range of people. Reviews for individual stories in this collection can be found in my review on goodreads.

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