
Friday, March 25, 2016

The Paper Doorway~Dean Koontz | Review

Title: The Paper Doorway: Funny Verse and Nothing Worse
Author: Dean Koontz
Length: 160 Pages Hardback
Genre: Children's Poetry
Release: September 2001
My Rating: 5/5 Stars

Many people reading my reviews probably know that I am a huge Dean Koontz fan. I had heard of this collection of poetry, but never gotten my hands on a copy. So naturally when I saw it in the book store I had to grab it. And I'm so glad I did!

First of all, this collection is intended for children, a much younger audience than his novels are usually geared for. But don't be fooled; this still has the signature Koontz creepy darkness, just in a milder form. It also has his trademark humor that I love so much. 

I don't really want to give too much away about the poems, because they really need to be experienced to appreciate them. This collection would appeal to a wide variety of readers. Koontz fans, children of Koontz fans, it doesn't matter. Even my sister wants a copy! (And she refuses to read any Koontz novels.) One of my favorites is the poem that gives the book its title The Paper Doorway, it has a great appeal for any reader who just likes to get lost in the world of their book. 

Phil Parks, the illustrator, did a marvelous job. I loved every single illustration. And if you search, you'll be able to find a mouse in every single picture. No joke. It's awesome. 

So if you like poetry and you like Koontz, go pick this up. Or, if you don't like poetry and you don't like Koontz, pick this up anyway. I really don't think you'll regret it.  

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