
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Nightmare Before Christmas Book Tag

This is one of my absolute favorite movies, and yes, I consider it a Christmas movie. So thank you to Hannah from TheDonkeyInvasion for tagging me! And now let's get straight into the tag.

Sally: A book with a character who loves someone so much and actually gets them in the end.

For this one, I have to go with Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Warning for those who don't know the story, their might be spoilers. Mr Darcy ends up with Elizabeth who he's loved for much of the novel. He even learns to better himself when she points out some of his less becoming traits. It's beautiful.
Jack: A book with a character who longs for more. 
For this, I have to go with my favorite novel (and one of my favorite characters ever). The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Kaladin is always longing for something more, sometimes this is good. Other times not so much.
Zero: A book with a loyal sidekick.

I have to choose two this time around. First Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. All of Bridge Four are extremely loyal to Kaladin. It's beautiful.  
And then there's The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson. Wayne is one of the most loyal people I've ever read about. He and Wax have the best relationship.
Oogie Boogie Man: A book with a wicked villain.
This time I'm going with the final book in the Lucy Kendal series by Stacy Green, All Fall Down. I can't say too much about the villain, but there was some crazy stuff here.
Halloween Town: A book with a weird or creepy theme. 
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. This was very different than I expected. It was just kind of an odd jumble of crazy going on. A very interesting jumble of crazy.
Christmas Town: A book that left you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. 
This one is Stay the Distance by Mara Dabrishus. This book has so much going for it-family drama, horses, and a cute love story. It makes me so happy.
What's This? A Book that took you by surprise.
The False Prince by Jennifer A Nielsen. This middle grade book took me ages to pick up and I absolutely loved it! It's one of my all time favorites. The whole series is just amazing.

I'm not going to tag anybody, since it's the day before Christmas, but if you want to do this go for it. Let me know your answers in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts.


  1. I haven't read any of these but I would like to read Pride and Prejudice!

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Bookish Blog!

    1. I love Pride and Prejudice and I think you will really enjoy it!
