
Monday, September 14, 2015

Tuesday Talks | My Reading Experiences

You can join in the Tuesday Talks discussions on goodreads through the group created by Janie and Janelle. It's a lot of fun and we have a new topic every week! So come and join in all the fun!

My Reading Experiences and Influences
I come from a family of readers. I have several older sisters and brothers, many of whom are readers, and my parents both loved to read. When I was really little we would read together and I practically grew up in a library. And I loved the library. 

Personally, I didn't really start reading a lot on my own until I was between ten and twelve and even then I didn't read a lot. As far back as I can remember I was a writer, but not much of a reader. Once I found something to enjoy, however, I couldn't get enough. I think I just wasn't ready at a younger age to really enjoy the reading experience. 

It was after seeing the first Harry Potter movie with one of my best friends for her birthday that I really got into books. I was ten then and absolutely loved the movie (I had never heard of the books) and my parents gave me the first two books for Christmas. After that, I started reading more. And when I was a teenager I was reading all the time (although I can barely remember what I read). 

I have gone through several phases where I would read a lot and then very little, but now I'm on a steady schedule. I read a lot (probably more than I should at times) and I love that I've been giving myself the time to do so. While I was in college I couldn't really let myself read because I would neglect my school work too much. Unfortunately, that means if/when I go back I will probably have to cut out a lot of my reading. 

Each time that I've been away from reading for a long time, I've picked up a novel and fallen in love with it. There's just something therapeutic about being able to immerse yourself in a good story. Now, I try to encourage other people to read. I think everyone can enjoy reading, even if it's not in the same way that I do. There are benefits for everyone. 

One of the things I'm most grateful for in my life is the fact that I grew up with a family that enjoyed reading. My life would be a very different one without that constant there. Not necessarily bad, but definitely not as great. 

What are your reading experiences? Have you always loved to read? Who/what influenced you to read? Let me know in the comments! 

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