
Monday, August 17, 2015

Flying Changes~Maggie Dana | Review

Title: Flying Changes (Timber Ridge Riders #10)
Author: Maggie Dana
Genre: Middle Grade Equestrian, Sport
Length: 236 Pages
Release: October 2014
My Rating: 5/5 Stars

I received a copy of this novel through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 

This is the tenth installment in the series. I haven't read all of them, but I have read several. That's one thing that I love about these kinds of stories-you don't have to read every single one to enjoy them. 

Of the five or so that I've read, this has been my favorite. Kate and Holly fly to England for a riding camp at the stable of their friend Jennifer's grandmother. It's only the top young riders that are eligible and Kate and Holly are among them. 

I've always wanted to travel to England and reading about it here in relation to horses was so much fun. The girls, along with the reader, learn the different terminology for horse related things in England. Maggie is able to include this vocabulary and horse knowledge seamlessly throughout the story. There is a lot to be learned from these pages. I definitely think it is a great read for horse crazy middle grade readers because they can not only enjoy the story but learn something about horses as well. 

Holly did annoy me somewhat in this novel (Kate did a little bit), but I always have a more difficult time relating to Holly than I do with Kate. I think I was more like Kate at that age and just find her easier to understand. They have some fights, new friendships are formed that cause jealousy issues, kidnappings, love, horses, drama. This story has it all.  The ending is a perfect set up for the next novel. 

Some old characters and horses make appearances. Some of these are welcome and others not so much. The new characters are a lot of fun and I hope we get to see more of them in later installments in the series.

I don't want to give away too much detail and spoil you, but I highly recommend this for horse lovers of all ages.  


  1. This is such a great review, so thank you, thank you. You really do GET the girls. I may have to send you chocolates (is that against Netgalley's ToS?) Or wine???

    A caveat. I don't know Courtney and she doesn't know me. She's a Netgalley reviewer and I am so glad she likes my book(s).

    1. Thank you for your feedback on my review! I have really enjoyed reading your stories! It's always fun to find horse books-there just aren't that many out there.

      I am never opposed to chocolate. ;)
