
Monday, August 10, 2015

Fever: A Ballroom Romance~Tonya Plank | Review & GIVEAWAY!

Title: Fever (A Ballroom Romance #1)
Author: Tonya Plank
Genre: NA Romance
Length: 416 Pages
Release: June 2015
My Rating: 3/5 Stars

I received a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Let me start by saying that I'm not a big reader of the romance genre or new adult novels, so I wasn't sure about reading this novel when the author approached me. After discussing it with her I decided to give it a try and see how I liked it. This three star rating is NOT a bad rating and I'm sure there are many people I know who would enjoy this novel greatly. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's get to some of my thoughts. 

There were several things about this novel that frustrated me (thus a three star instead of four or five). Rory, the main character, is one of those things. It's not that I completely disliked her, but I didn't feel like she grew enough throughout the novel. She's very timid, lacks confidence, and focuses a lot on her physical appearance (which isn't always bad, but was over the top here and she seemed to be becoming worse). 

Out of all the things that slightly annoyed me about Rory though, the worst of them was her relationship with James, her boyfriend in the beginning. James just really annoyed me as a character (and I'm sure he was supposed to). He was not a supportive boyfriend, tried to boss Rory around, made her feel guilty about insignificant things, and was just genuinely not very nice. This relationship just spiraled downward. I won't get into what happens between them, since that would be a spoiler, but I was frustrated with the resolution and some of Rory's actions in this situation.

So now let me tell you what I really liked about this novel. The dancing. I love watching people dance and this novel really made me want to take some dancing lessons (which I just might be doing soon). Everything was described beautifully (a little lengthy at times) and I felt like I was there, dancing along with the characters. It was easy to get caught up in the ballroom world along with Rory and lose yourself in that lifestyle.

There wasn't much romance in this novel, but it did set up the story. The ending was wide open, making you want the next book immediately. There are many different directions that Rory's world could go at this point. She's young, has a job, loves to dance, has talent. Sasha is also a factor.

If you like the romance genre and Latin ballroom, then this is the series for you. The author is knowledgeable about both law and dance and that shows in this novel through Rory as she works as a lawyer and aspires to become a dancer. If you're interested in reading the novel, then enter to win your own copy below!

Giveaway Rules
*This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY
*You must be 18+ to enter or have parental consent (we will have to collect your address should you win).
*If you win the giveaway, you will be contacted by email and must respond within 24 hours or another winner will be chosen in your place.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This sounds like something right up my alley - dancing and romance. Although you said there wasn't much romance in this book, I'd still like to read about the relationship with James. It doesn't sound very romantic, to be honest.

    Thanks for sharing your review!

    1. Thanks for entering! And I think this novel is more of a set up for the romance to come in books two and three. You're right, it's not much of a romance here. I guess it's all about building the story.

      Thanks for the comment!
