
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday Talks | Do you request ARCs?

To find out more about this discussion group visit Tuesday Talks on goodreads. It was created by Janie and Janelle and we always have a lot of fun, so you should check it out.

Do You Request ARCs?
Up until I started blogging and booktubing and became very active on goodreads (only about 8 months ago), I had never considered requesting ARCs. I didn't really know how it was done or what to expect. On goodreads though, you can find loads of authors searching for people to read eARCs of their books. About November of last year I started reviewing for authors and this year I started using NetGalley a lot.  I've read and reviewed close to 100 books in that time. 

As far as requesting ARCs, other than eARCs I haven't requested very many from authors or publishers. I don't really feel that my blog has enough traffic to be considered for the bigger publishers and I also understand that for self publishing authors and smaller publishing houses, physical copies can get really expensive. I have had a few physical copy ARCs to review though and it's a lot of fun. 

I do request eARCs a lot. Too many, in fact. I've even gotten approved and given ARCs for titles I never expected to be accepted for. It's a lot of fun being one of the first people to read a book. I just find it really enjoyable. Obviously there are pros and cons to ARCs and requesting them, which you can read about in last weeks discussion. 

Personally I request ARCs, mostly in digital form, and will likely continue to do so. It's fun, you get a free book, and you can find some great stuff that way. So what about you? Do you request ARCs?


  1. I didn't really know about ARCs until I was around 8 months into blogging. I haven't requested physical copies yet but I am on the reviewing list of one publisher so I am working my way up from that really. Netgalley is my life and I have requested so much that I have 21 books to read for review! Woops!
    Naomi@The Perks Of Being A Bookworm

    1. It's great to have a starting point and work from there. And I'm the same with Netgalley. For a while I was on there all the time. I've just gotten my list down to 15 I think.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Netgalley is such a great resource! I really wish I went on it more often, I'm just not a huge fan of digital books haha. Great post! :)

    1. I'm used to not be a huge fan of digital books either (and I still prefer physical books), but I've gotten so much use out of my kindle. And there are so many things you can get for free digitally. It helps for when I can't go buy the book and my library doesn't have it.

      Thanks for commenting! :)
