
Friday, May 29, 2015

Down the Wormhole~Ana Franco | Review

Title: Down the Wormhole
Author: Ana Franco
Genre: YA Fantasy/Mythology
Length: 203 Pages
Release: March 2015
My Rating: 2/5 Stars

I received a free copy of this novel from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This story has a lot of potential. Unfortunately, it fell short of the mark for me. I expected more connection to the modern world than there was, so that was surprising. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I felt that it was all mythological gods and things when I was expecting more connections to reality. 

The author, Ana Franco, from what I understand, is not a native English speaker or writer and still wrote this novel in English! The language usage was confusing through a lot of the novel and the switch from perspective to perspective could be a bit abrupt, but I think with some more polish the story would flow much more smoothly. 

The story itself deals with Celtic and Norse gods. The mythological aspect was quite interesting, but I don't think things tied together very well. There would be strange bouts of conflict that would suddenly end or be ignored for a while before popping back up again. I found this both confusing and rather off putting.

The characters were likable in most cases, but I didn't feel that they were very developed. And relationships were rushed. Along those lines, the passage of time didn't seem to make any sense at times. Sometimes it seemed like only a few minutes were supposed to have passed and then it would be a week or two. It left me rather confused. 

I think the story has a lot of potential and could be a fun mythological tale with romance and humor, but it needs more polish and some development to be really enjoyable. 

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