
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Date and Dash~Susan Hatler | Review

Title: Date and Dash (Better Date Than Never #10)
Author: Susan Hatler
Genre: Romance
Length: 105 Pages
Release: May 2015
My Rating: 4/5 Stars

I received a copy of this novel through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a really fun, fast read. It was a nice addition to the series. I believe this is the final installment. If it is in fact the final story in this series, I would have liked to see more appearances by previous characters, but that didn't hinder my enjoyment of the story. 

What I enjoy about this series is that the main characters tend to be career driven women who also want to find love. That isn't any different here. Mary Ann is very driven in her life. She has a steady job, but also likes to be impulsive. The main story follows her as she tries to buy back a bracelet once owned by her grandmother. She just runs into a few problems along the way. 

The romance in this story was really cute. Logan is kind and considerate, despite Mary Ann's initial impression. The two get to know each other while filming a reality dating show and their real and pretend dates are adorable. He tells her about his past and his drive to do good deeds and she tells him about her fears of failure and why her grandmothers bracelet is so important. I just wish we had more Logan in the story. At some times it felt like he wasn't very involved. 

All of the side characters were really interesting and it was nice to see a few familiar characters as well as references to others. Mary Ann had some issues with her sister Ginger (another familiar face) and it was nice to see them start to figure out how they misunderstand each other. Mary Ann's work life was full of frustrating people and watching how that played out was both satisfying and kind of disappointing. I just wish there had been more involved there. Not much, but a little bit. 

The ending, as usual, was sweet and not excessively overdone. This was really fun and I think anyone who enjoys sweet, clean love stories would really enjoy the read.

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