
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday Talks | My Favorite Genre

Tuesday Talks is a weekly discussion group created by Janie and Janelle. You can find more information about the group and start participating in discussions by visiting the goodreads group here.

My Favorite Genre and Why
Today's topic is all about our favorite genres and why we love them so much. Let me start by telling you that I read almost anything. If the novel sounds interesting, I'll pick it up and give it a try. I do have a favorite, however, and that favorite is fantasy. Particularly high fantasy (fantasy set in its own world), but I enjoy other kinds as well. 

It's hard for me to explain exactly why fantasy is my favorite and what really draws me to it. I love to read. If I'm enjoying a book then I will get really into it and just fall in love with it no matter the genre. But then I pick up a fantasy book and it's like what I felt for that other book was nothing compared to my reading experience with this fantasy novel. It's like I didn't know what constituted a good book before picking up that fantasy novel (even though I still love the other books as well). I just get something completely different from fantasy. Part of it might be that it's set in its own world and is so different that it fascinates me, I'm honestly not sure. But fantasy has always been my favorite. 

Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. I recently read Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson. I thought it was a phenomenal book (and I highly recommend it if you enjoy YA contemporaries). It was a great read and I just fell in love with it and the characters. It made me think, it made me happy. All those emotions you associate with a good reading experience. Then, a couple of weeks later, I picked up Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. It was like I had forgotten how much I love to read until I picked that book up (even though I was really enjoying the books I read right before it). All of the same emotions were there, but multiplied by one hundred.

It's probably like thinking about your favorite book when you were a kid. Looking back you still really enjoy the book, but when you compare it to your favorite book now it just doesn't match up. A lot of that has to do with the experiences you've had since first reading the book or your tastes having changed, but the books are obviously different for you even though you really love both of them. That's how I feel going from any other genre into a really great fantasy novel. Even if I read them back to back. 

So fantasy is hands down my favorite genre. I will probably be doing a post in the future to recommend some of my favorite fantasy reads, so check for that if you're interested in my thoughts on the subject. 

What is your favorite genre? Why is that your favorite genre? Has it always been your favorite? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


  1. Hi Courtney! Loved your reasons for why you love fantasy so much. I couldn't have said it better myself.

    1. Thanks! It's so hard for me to explain my love of fantasy or where I got it from. My parents are both huge readers, but neither of them was ever much of a fantasy fan. I just picked it up somewhere along the way. :)

  2. Great post. I’m not a huge fantasy fan, but I totally get what you’re saying. I’m not sure if I have a favorite genre. I’ve been reading a lot of YA contemporary lately and really liking those.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! And it's hard to say you have a favorite genre I think, unless you feel the way I do about a particular genre. Because there are so many good books in so many different genres. I've actually been reading a lot more YA contemporary myself recently and I'm liking them more than I expected. I think it all depends on the story for me. If you haven't read Since You've Been Gone I highly recommend it. :D
