
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday Talks | How Do You Choose Your Books?

Tuesday Talks is a weekly discussion hosted through the goodreads group you can find here. We discuss bookish topics each week, so you should join in the fun.

How Do You Choose Your Next Read?
For me, choosing what book to read next is just a random occurrence. Occasionally I have a set list for a certain month or something, but usually I just go from book to book. Over the past few months, since starting to review books for authors, my reading has been on a random track.

I don't like to completely structure my reading list, because I tend to get burned out when I have a list of books that I tell myself I have to read. Instead I just randomly choose a book. Sometimes this is based off the unread books I have on my shelf, a suggestion from a friend, something I randomly pick up at the library, a book randomly selected from my to-read shelf on goodreads, or a book I pick up to review for someone. I find that selecting books this way gives me more enjoyment in my reading time. 

Sometimes I do have a set book that I plan to read in a given month. This usually happens when I'm doing readalongs or something. Otherwise, I pick up the book that I feel the most like reading. This is occasionally based on the length of the book or the genre as well. If I feel like I need a break from a certain genre or that a certain book will take more dedication than I can devote at the time, then I will pick up something else, even if I really want to read the book.

So my basic answer to this weeks discussion topic is that I choose at random. I just grab a book that looks interesting and go with it. Usually this works really well for me. 

What about you? How do you decide what book to read next? Let me know in the comments below!



  1. Great discussion this week Courtney!

  2. I usually decide on a broad outline of books and then improvise as I go. A lot of times I'll get a new book and end up reading that one over all the others which isn't necessarily good in terms of getting reviews done, but I can't help it haha! Great post Courtney!


    1. I do the same thing! I'll get a book that I'm excited about and start reading that one instead of others. It just happens. :) And thanks!

  3. Hi Courtney! I agree mood can play a huge factor. I generally have books picked out I want to read each month but sometimes I will go totally off course based on how I feel. Loved this discussion :)

    1. Yes. When I have made a list I always tend to stray from it. Sometimes that's because of getting review books or a new book coming out that I'm really excited about. Thanks for reading!

  4. Hi Courtney! I'm definitely not a list maker for my books. It starts with my mood and then spans out from there.

    1. Definitely. I can't stick to a set list! Occasionally I have a few set, but usually I read lots of others around those. :) Thanks for reading!
