
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday Talks | Disabling Comments on BookTube

Tuesday Talks is a weekly discussion created and hosted by Janie and Janelle. You can find the goodreads group here and start participating in the discussions. There's a new bookish topic each week and it's always fun to discuss them together.

Disabling Comments on BookTube
Personally I don't understand why anyone (particularly a booktuber) would want to disable comments. The best thing about talking about books is being able to get a response. I like interacting with my booktube friends through comments. Personally I would never disable comments on my videos. 

Do I think it's wrong to disable comments? Not wrong, per-se. I guess it depends on the person. Would I watch videos knowing I couldn't comment on them? Maybe a few, but if another booktuber didn't allow comments on any of their videos I would be less likely to continue watching their videos. It comes back to liking interaction. I want to tell people what I think about the books they are talking about. 

Sure we don't like the same books and some people might comment on our videos and tell us how much they hate our favorite books. So what. It's not going to dampen my enjoyment any. If I like a book I like a book. And just because we don't agree on what the best books are doesn't mean we have to be rude about it. We can state our opinions without being rude. We don't all have the same likes and dislikes. 

So do I think that comments should be disabled? No, I don't. The best thing about being a part of the online community is being involved with that community. Interaction is key and what better way to interact than through comments on yours or others videos? I love knowing what people think! 

So what do you think? Is it ok to disable your comments? Do you disable comments? Why would you want to disable comments if you do or have thought about doing so? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


  1. Great discussion Courtney and I have to say I agree with you on this. I would never disable comments myself. I love getting them and discussing with my viewers too much for that.

    1. Definitely. It makes it so much more fun when you communicate with everyone else. :)

  2. I joined Booktube because I could finally discuss books. Anything else is uncivilized ;^)

    1. I definitely agree! It's so nice to discuss books with other readers. :)

  3. I joined Booktube because I could finally discuss books. Anything else is uncivilized ;^)

  4. I really agree with you- the whole point in BookTube is to share your thoughts about books with others, share your opinions, maybe even learn a new way of looking at a book that you never noticed before! On my videos I don't have comments disabled (I like when people comment), but I do have 'banned' words. So any words or phrases which I find abusive or offensive will be deleted before even being posted. I guess it's a solution that's somewhere in the middle!

    1. I didn't even know you could do that! I need to go look at my settings on my channel. Not that it's usually a problem. And yes, it's definitely nice to get a new perspective on something. Thanks for reading! I'm going to watch your video once I'm on my computer. :)

  5. Great post! I completely agree with you! I think the comment section is one of the many things that makes YouTube so different from other platforms, and taking it away really limits our interactions as the viewer. For the short time I was a BookTuber, I never even thought about disabling my comments. And even now, I love getting comments on my blog, so I would completely agree with you!

    I wrote a post of this as well, if you want to check it out :)

    1. Yes! I just don't understand why you would disable comments to your blog or youtube. There's no point in Sharing your thoughts if you can't get feedback or other peoples opinions.

      And I will definitely check out your post! :)

  6. I completely agree with you, Courtney! The best thing about booktube IS getting a response. I love book chat! If someone doesn't want comments maybe they shouldn't be on social media. Fun topic this week :)

    1. Thank you! And yes, it doesn't make sense to me for someone to want to do videos but not get comments. There's just not point if you don't plan to interact with people.

  7. I agree Courtney. I think in BookTube we're lucky enough that extremely negative and abusive comments do not happen as often.

    1. Yes, as a whole I think the BookTube community is a really great one to be part of. We just like discussing books. It doesn't matter if we have different opinions. We can discuss and still share those opinions without being rude or overly negative. Thanks for reading! :)
