
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday Talks | Prologues and Epilogues

Prologues & Epilogues: Do You Read Them?
Prologues and Epilogues are very important aspects of a novel. I have never understood how some readers say they will just skip these sections of a novel. Often a prologue introduces us to characters, situations, past implications; basically, it's the entire setup for the story that follows. I always read the prologue. If the author has decided to write one, then it shares something important that cannot be quickly passed over. I can think of many books I've read in the past year that had a prologue that was essential for the plot of the story. You miss so much when you don't read this portion. So much that you need.

Epilogues, like prologues, play an essential role if they are given. This is often where the story will be concluded or insight into where the characters are headed is given. If the story is a set up for a series then this will often reveal a portion of the plot for the next novel. Again, reading this is vital if you want to understand the story.

I also love when authors use different perspectives to tell the prologues and epilogues. One I particularly enjoy is the way that Leigh Bardugo does the Before and After portions of her Grisha Trilogy. The main portions of the novel are told in first person from Alina's point of view. The Before and After portions, however, are told in third person with reference to the boy and the girl. I love it! It's beautiful.

So if you don't currently read prologues and epilogues, you really should. Let me know what you think about this topic!

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Until next time, readers.
Your book loving friend,


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