
Monday, December 15, 2014

Michael Vey: Hunt For Jade Dragon~Richard Paul Evans | Review

Title: Michael Vey: Hunt For Jade Dragon (Michael Vey #4)
Author: Richard Paul Evans
Genre: YA Science Fiction
Length: 320 Pages
Publication: September 2014
My Rating: 4/5 Stars

Brief Synopsis
Michael, Taylor, Austin and the rest of the Electroclan are taken from Peru to The Ranch (located in an undisclosed location) where they are briefed on their next mission: rescuing Jade Dragon. Jade Dragon is a nine year old genius who has discovered equations that are very important to the future of the electric children. Dr. Hatch and his Glows are set on getting the information out of her no matter what. The only problem: she's deaf, mute, and autistic. 
Michael and his friends must unite to rescue Jade Dragon and prevent Hatch from unleashing more evil on the world. They will have to band together and welcome in old enemies if they are to succeed. But not everything will go according to plan.

This novel, while very enjoyable, was much more slowly paced than the last three (at least as far as I can remember). More of the novel was spent planning than actually doing. But, as I said, still very enjoyable.

Michael Vey is a great character and I really enjoy watching him grow throughout these books. I do feel like their were some things done in this novel that were somewhat out of character for him (I won't say what, I don't want to spoil you). His relationship with Taylor is cute and his friendship with Ostin is great. There is not a member of the Electroclan that I don't like. 

There are many characters that kind of disappear during the course of this novel and I am intrigued to see exactly how they will reappear in the next installment. One thing that I find interesting about these novels is that, due to changing perspectives, we often know things that certain characters have yet to find out and yet, it still somehow works. Even though we have an inkling into many things that Michael doesn't know yet, I find that discovering them with him is important to the story and having some idea about the outcome just seems to make since and work in a way that I don't find true with other similarly written novels. 

My main drawback with this novel is the writing. While I like the writing overall, I find the dialog to be stilted and repetitive in many instances. While inside Michael's head I find the writing very enjoyable and smooth. Dialog just gets a bit iffy. Constantly putting "he/she/(insertnamehere) said" gets old when used consistently within one conversation. There just needs to be a bit more imagination behind the dialog to make this fantastic.

I don't want to say too much about the story, not wanting to give too much away. The ending is satisfactory, though more of a cliffhanger than any other installment. I am not entirely sure how the remainder of the story is going to take up three more novels, but I'm sure it easily can. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

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Until next time. Your book loving friend,


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