
Saturday, December 6, 2014

American Goulash~Stephanie Yuhas |Review

Title: American Goulash
Author: Stephanie Yuhas
Genre: Memoir
Length: 157 Pages
Publication: December 2014
My Rating: 3/5 Stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This memoir chronicles Stephanie's dysfunctional upbringing with her Transylvanian family in the suburbs of New Jersey. The reader follows Stephanie from infant-hood into her first semester of college. It's full of both humorous and heartbreaking stories. 

I don't know that I have ever read a memoir all the way through until now. This seemed interesting, so I decided to review it and I actually really enjoyed it. I found Stephanie easy to relate with through her struggles with life and family. Although I am not an immigrant, I do have a large and dysfunctional family. While at times humorous, I often found myself somewhat heart sore. I guess I have not yet gotten to the point in my life where I can accept things as easily as Stephanie has been able to do with hers.

I found this very easy to read and captivating. Not as easy to lose yourself in as a novel, but just as enjoyable in a different sense. Watching Stephanie grow up through the stories and pictures (she was very cute in all of them) was really interesting and made me think that maybe, someday, I can write my own memoir in such a humorous light. 

I definitely recommend this memoir to anyone who finds Stephanie's past of dysfunctional family and nerdy mishaps intriguing.  I don't feel like there is much else I can say, you just need to read and find out for yourself what it was like growing up a Transylvanian girl in the suburbs of New Jersey. 

Your friend in all things books,


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