
Sunday, November 9, 2014


As some of you may have noticed, I've been kind of MIA from the social networking/book community over the past few days. The main reason for this absence is my trip to Charleston SC for Yallfest (a young adult book festival). The trip was great and I look forward to sharing some of my experiences with you guys through video and blog! So here are some of the things that are coming up from me:

  • Signed books video/blog-mostly from Yallfest this year with a few from last year thrown in! 
  • Book haul! While at Yallfest I visited some thrift shop and bought some used books! I also have some I recently bought at the library and will probably be collecting a few more over the next few days using store credit at a local book store. 
  • Tuesday Talks-either a video or blog post for this weeks topic (non-readers), this could be interesting!
  • Top 5 Wednesday! I'm really excited about this upcoming video for T5W, so stay tuned and let me know if you post one!
  • NaNoWriMo update! I will be doing a video or blog telling you guys about my experiences thus far with NaNo 2014! I'm so excited!
  • I will be hosting a read along of the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu (one of my favorites!) starting in January with an associated giveaway coming at some point in December. I would love to have anyone and everyone participate! You can find the goodreads group here. A video will be coming soon. Feel free to share with others if you decide to join in! :)
So excited about all the upcoming videos/blogs/events! Connect with me on twitter here. YouTube here. And goodreads here. My NaNoWriMo page here.

As usual, this has been your book loving friend Courtney. Until next time.

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