
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Legend Trilogy Read Along

As I have mentioned in many posts and videos, I love the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu. In honor of the love I have for these three novels, I have decided to host a read along starting in January. You can find my video about this here. I would love for anyone and everyone to join, whether this is your first time reading or a reread. You can find the goodreads group here.

The Details Thus Far
To kick off the read along I will be doing an associated giveaway in December. The dates/rules and such are not yet set, but I will be updating the goodreads group once I have it all figured out. 

After the giveaway we will be kicking off our read along starting in January with Legend. We can discuss as a group if we want to all read at the same pace and discuss as we go along. We will follow this with Prodigy in February and finally, my favorite, Champion in March.

As we read I plan to do video/blog updates of our progress. We can also update each other using Twitter (I've become rather addicted recently). 

If there is anything you would like to have happen as a part of this read along or something you would like to help make happen feel free to comment here or on goodreads, or message me. I hope we can get a nice group involved and have a great time. I can't wait to see what people think of this series! 

You can find me on goodreads here, Twitter here, and YouTube here. I hope that you join me in this read along!

Until next time, this has been your book loving friend Courtney.     

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