
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Top 5 Wednesday | Halloween Reccommendatios

For Top 5 Wednesday today, I'm supposed to recommend some books for Halloween. Since I have not read a great deal of super creepy Halloween type novels I'm just going to pick out five of my favorite spooky/paranormal novels. Hope you enjoy!

The Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz currently consists of six novels (book seven will be the final installment and is set for release in January). Koontz is known for writing paranormal thrillers and Odd Thomas is one of the best. The novels are told from a first person perspective from Odd's point of view. Odd is a special guy; he can see the dead. Often the dead seek him out to help them gain peace before passing on to the other side. The novels are full of great paranormal fun and Odd is a great character. Go read them and tell me what you think.

It has been several years since I read this novel (or seen the movie based on it), but I remember really enjoying it. Not horror or super suspenseful, but it follows the lives of two magicians as they develop an intense rivalry that spans decades. Plus there is some time travel like elements and all sorts of interesting things. I need to re-read this. A kind of spooky/paranormal read that I think many would enjoy. The movie is great too (Christian Bale, what's not to love?).

This is the first novel in the Jasper Dent trilogy by Barry Lyga. The novel follows Jazz, the son of a notorious serial killer, as he wrestles with his inner demons and tries to help hunt down the killers he doesn't want to become. This is one of the darkest YA novels I can recall reading. It's a great story with great characters and delves into a lot of questions about who people are on the inside. Go ahead, read it.  

This is a delightful little novel about a girl living in early 1900s California who can see the dead. As the novel progresses she starts learning to communicate with the spirits around her. She has to help a detective solve a serial killer case that has been going on for decades. It's an interesting novel and one I'm glad I picked up. The second novel in the series is out now (I have not read it yet). I think this is a great stand alone novel though. Not a lot is left open as far as the main story goes.

This is the first novel in Neal Shusterman's Unwind dystology. The novels themselves are not particularly creepy on the surface, but thinking about them can be. I really enjoy reading them and they raise so many interesting questions. It's basically about our society being able to have our children "unwound" as long as we do it before they are 18. Unwinding consists of taking a person apart and then donating or selling every single piece of their body to another person. That way they are technically still alive. Very creepy shiver inducing. I can't wait to read the final novel (which was just released).

So there you have some of my favorite spooky/paranormal novels. I'm sure there are many others I can't think of and have not the space to include. Tell me what some of your favorites are in the comments below. Also check out my youtube channel if you feel so inclined, you can find that here. My goodreads page here. And my twitter here. Check out the list of all the Top 5 Wednesday-ers here

Until next time. This has been your book loving friend, Courtney.

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